What advantages does USB bring
compared to traditional RS232 connection mode
List down various speed that
USB1.1 supports
USB1.1 : FS (12MBits/s),
USB2.0 : FS, HS(480Mb/s)
How many ports does USB PHY has
What is benefit of differential
transmission using D+/D-
USB is host controlled; explain
what is meant by host controlled?
USB uses tiered star topology;
explain this architecture using diagram
Benefits of tiered star
topology compared to Daisy chain topology?
Power to each device can be
monitored and even switched off if an overcurrent condition occurs without
disrupting other USB devices.
Both high, full and low speed
devices can be supported, with the hub filtering out high speed and full speed
transactions so lower speed devices do not receive them.
127 devices can be connected to
USB host, where does this limitation come from?
How do we ensure more USB
devices can be connected to same laptop
Hint: Add another port/host
List down various USB host
More burden on S/w, allows for
cheaper hardware
More burden on H/w, makes for
simpler software
USB uses a NRZI (Non return to
zero invert) encoding scheme to send data with a sync field to synchronize the
host and receiver clocks. Explain significance of Sync and NRZI concept.
USB support plug’n’play,
What is significance of USB
drivers? What is their role in interfacing USB devices to the Host?
List down various transfers USB
List down various components involved
in a USB architecture