1. explain the project

2. Responsibilities

3. explain TB architecture

4. what all features are there in your block

5. how test cases were developed, does it use C?

6. How C & SV interaction(handshake) happens?

7. Explain testplan?

8. explain design architecture

9. explain design subcomponents?

10. develop testcase

11. what is GPIO

o non maskable interrupt

12. how to debug testcase

13. what is tarmac log

14. what is the processor in the soc

15. what is the frequency

16. did you find any bugs(issues in the rtl)

17. what kind of testcases did you develop

18. explain one testcase flow in detail

19. what is list file, MPF file, scatter file

20. how many memories were there in SOC

21. how memory preloading works

22. what is boot sequence? what happens during boot?

23. what is the reset sequence?

24. what are the usecases for the SDIO(design you worked on)?

25. How SDIO VIP is integrated in to SOC testbench

26. what is MMU(memory management unit)

26. did you develop a test with multiple processor involved?

27. did you work on performance testcases, what is performance tst

28. did you work on low power(power aware) testcases, what is low power tst

29. how did you verify registers in the design, did you register layer from UVM

30. what is interrupt service routine? explain how interrupt from SDIO is handled by the processor?

31. explain various types of interrupts generated by SDIO

32. explain the SDIO(block in resume) architecture, what all ports it has, how it connects to VIP

33. what is pad muxing?

34. how did you diagnose a bug, how it was validated

35. Develop testbench components?

36. explain how scoreboarding is done?

37. what is cache? what is cache coherency?

38. how is cache coherency implemented?

39. what is virtual address? physical address in SOC?

40. how messaging happens in C testcases

    SV : $display

    but printf can’t be used on SOC, SOC TB will use a separate mechanism for printing messages

41. What is the clock frequency supported by your block? 

42. what is performance requirements? how did you check that?

43. what is veloce platform?

44. Block specific questions

45. develop a piece of C testcase, SV testcases

46. develop a ARM instruction

    for loop implement using ARM instruction

47. how testbench flow works?

    Does C code start first?

    Does SV code start first?

48. How C code convert to image?

    what is ARM Compiler (armcc)

    what is ARM linker (armcc)

    what is the image, how it is loaded to memory?

    how processor boots from this image?

49. how does synchronisation happen between processors?


50. debug tools used



51. what is derivative project?

52. what revision management was used?

53. did you use any verification management system?

54. how to you close verification? regression, 100% toggle coverage

55. Difference between Cortex M, A, R series

56. clock generation, was it internally generated or externally generated

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