Synthesis steps:
1. Demo example:
2. SDC file :
3. Synthesis Script
· /home/vlsiguru/PHYSICAL_DESIGN/STUDENT_PROJECTS/SYNTHESIS_DEMO/memory_controller/dc_script.tcl
4. Synthesized netlist
· /home/vlsiguru/PHYSICAL_DESIGN/STUDENT_PROJECTS/SYNTHESIS_DEMO/memory_controller/synth/mem_ctrl_gate.v
Project overview:
· RTL Code paths
· Students are supposed to refer to previous project and design specifications to implement the complete PnR flow
o Develop SDC file
o Synthesize the RTL in to netlist : This step is important since the way you synthesize will impact the number of macros in the netlist.
o Implement complete Physical Design flow for above netlist starting from data preparation to STA closure.
· Students can choose any of the above projects
· Students should talk to their trainers to get support for SDC files and synthesis.
· Final implementation will be reviewed by the respective trainer.