GLS, UPF, Power aware simulations
- what is GLS?
o Gate level simulation
o - how it differs from RTL simulation?
o RTL simulation: design code used is RTL code
o GLS simulation: design code used is gate level netlist
module tb;
dma_ctrl dut(); //RTL simulation: dma_ctrl will be RTL code
dma_ctrl dut(); //GLS simulation: dma_ctrl will be Gate level code
- Gate level netlist, Gate level code?
o represenation of design in terms of gates.
module dff(clk, rst, d, q);
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) q <= 0;
else q <= d
When we do with Gate level code?
module dff(clk, rst, d, q);
nand g1();
nand g9();
netlist = net + list => list of nets
- I don;t see any difference, why separate domain called as ‘GLS’?
o technically both RTL and GLS simulaton are meant for same purpose.
o they happen at different times in the flow
o RTL is availble almost from 2nd week of the project
o GLS netlist is available only after synthesis
o one more GLS netlist available after physical design - What makes GLS difficult?
o GLS simulations are very slow
o RTL simulation : 1 hour
o GLS simulation : 3 – 4 hours
o more simulation events
o GLS simulation are difficult to debug
o GLS netlist with 1000000 gates, debugging this logic => essentially why GLS is difficult
o GLS everything is big in size
o netlist is big
o waveform dumping is big
o runtime is big
o GLS has different possibilities
o 0-delay simulation
o timing simulation
o When we convert RTL to Gate level netlist, overall hierarchies change.
o whatever hierarchies we know from RTL code.
o GLS hierarchies can be different - what is simulation event?
o timestep divided in to 13 regions
a = b + c; //one simulation event - what is 0-delay simulation and timing simulation?
o every gate has a delay
o every wire(net) has a delay - 0-delay simulation
o it is run immedieately after synthesis is done
o but physical design is not yet done => we don’t have delay values
o whatever simulation we run using only netlist(without any delays) is called as 0-delay simulation or Unit delay simulations.
o since we are not taking in to account delays, it is mostly used to check the netlist funcitonality
o is it working similar to RTL code. - timing simulations
o run once Physical design is done.
o placement and routing flow.
o based on these, physical design engineer provides ‘SDF’ file
o SDF: Standard Delay Format
o timing simulations are run with both netlist and SDF used togehter
o $sdf_annotate - annotation
- benefits of timing simulations
o it will indicate if there are any setup and hold timing violations. - What is UPF? how it gets related to GLS?
UPF : Unified Power Format
o lot of voltage domains
o each voltage domain having multiple power domain
o each power domain working on multiple clock domain - why voltage is requied?
- if VDD is 1.8V, then that transistor belongs to 1.8V voltage domain
for a block working at 2.5V
logic 0 range: 0 to 1.2 V
logic 1 range: 1.3 to 2.5 V
logic 0 signal goes from 2.5V domain to 1.2V domain? what issues are faced?
o logic 0 in 2.5, can be 1 Volt(~logic 0)
o 1V when goes to 1.2V => what it gets treated as? logic 1 - to solve above problem, we use ‘level shifter’
- 1/2.5 * 1.2 = 0.48
- voltage signal that goes in to 1.2V domain will be 0.48(not 1)
- can we manage with only 1 level shifter in whole SOC?
o 1000’s of level shifter are required
o they are all distributed across the chip
- analogy
all people are in range of 0 to 3meters
more than 1.5 meters is treated as long person
less than 1.5 meters is treated as short person all people are in range of 0 to 1.5 meters
more than 0.75 meters is treated as long person
less than 0.75 meters is treated as short person 1.2 meters height person goes to other city(2nd city)
o original town: short(~logic 0)
o other city: 1.2>0.75 => long person (~logic 1) - SOC = gates + wires(nets) + level shifters + isolation cells + clock gating cells
- Each voltage domain is further divided in to multiple power domains
turn off the MCB => no possiblity of power consumption
o power domain that is cut off voltage
o it can start with some unknown state (due to charge transfer)
charge => voltage
o block functionality becomes undefined due to unknown initial state
o use isolation cells between one block to other block connection.
o ensures that 1st block that is funcitonal will not affect the power down blocks - each power domain or voltage domain can further be divided in to multiple clock domains
o Asynchronous FIFO: 2 clock domains
o There are time where we don’t want one clock to be running
o cutting off the clock, helps is reducing power consumption.
o cutting of clock is done using ‘clock gating logic’ - UPF
o unified power format tells where are in the design do we require ‘level shifters’, ‘isolation cells’, clock gate cells’
o how many are required
o exact geometric position - Concept of UPF is required for everyone in the VLSI design flow
o starting from architect
o RTL integration engineer
o as per architect instructions, he will place all these components in to the SOC.
o even Physical design engineer needs to physically place those cells in the chip. o to ensure that, everyone in the flow(VLSI design flow starting from spec to fabrication) should be on ‘same page’ with respect to where these cells should be present.
o format for specifying that is called as ‘UPF’
o UPF is lanauge(~English)
o this language tells how to specify a ‘level shifter’, it position, voltage levels used
o this language tells how to specify a ‘isolation cells’, it position - why is it important for a verification engineer?
o analogy:
o Juice with some ingridents => it is good
o some more ingridents to that preparation => these can impact the quality
o Power aware GLS
o GLS simulation run along with UPF file annotated.
o annotation: UPF file will tell where are level shifter, IS, CG cells will come in to the design.
o run the simulation with that updated behavior
o then check if simulation are running fine. => PAGLS - power aware simulations
low power verification
UPF simulations
o all these terms are refering to running simulation with UPF file taken in to consideration. - Questasim or VCS or NCSIM will tell, how to map UPF in to design
o Questasim power aware simulation
o how to import UPF file
o how to map this file contents to the gate level netlist
o then this becomes, UPF simulations.
SESSION#2 : UVM RAL, Register model, register verification, register backdoor access testcases
UVM RAL, RV(register verification, RDL), backdoor register access
o Register Abstraction Layer why register model is required?
Design output = function(inputs applied, register programming inside the design)
reference model output = function(inputs tx coming from monitor) ===> WRONG
reference model output = function(inputs tx coming from monitor, SOMETHING ELSE) ===> correct
SOMETHING ELSE?? what it should be?
o Register model(which is the replica of the design registers)
reference model output = function(inputs tx coming from monitor, Register model) ===> correct concepts used for developing register model, is called as ‘Register Abstraction Layer’
o base classes that are used
uvm_reg, uvm_reg_block, uvm_reg_field, uvm_mem when you get in to the project?
o 99% of the times, register model is already integrated in to the TB.
o register model is also developed
o register model is also integrated in to the TB
o what is that I have to do w.r.t register model?
o testcase development related to your block how can we use register model for testcase development? - How does register model looks like?
o .sv file, implemented as various classes
o all register definitions are implemented as ‘class’
reg [31:0] priority_reg;
class priority_reg;
3Q. without macro if we use rm, automatically it will do the function of macro?
4Q. should write method be explicitly defined in this code?
o no
o this write method is automatically implmeneted in UVM base classes
- Every project compolsorily has register model.
- register model usage
o how to develop register model & register adapter
o developed using a PERL or Python script
o IPXACT definition of design is input to the script
o generates register model definition
o how to integrate register model in to the TB
o 5 minutes task => this you don’t need to know => one top level TB integration person will do this.
dma_ctrl_reg_block reg_block; //instantiating register model inside dma_env
dma_ctrl_reg_adapter reg_adapter; //adapter?
reg_block = dma_ctrl_reg_block::type_id::create(“reg_block”); //creating the register model; //building the register model infrasturctue
uvm_resource_db#(dma_ctrl_reg_block)::set(“GLOBAL”, “REG_BLOCK”, reg_block, this); //adding register model in to the resource database, so that anyone can access it from anywhere in TB
reg_adapter = dma_ctrl_reg_adapter::type_id::create(“reg_adapter”);
reg_block.apb_map.set_sequencer(apb_agent_i.sqr, reg_adapter); //mapping register model to the sequencer and adapter //lets our project is : USB_CTRL
usb_ctrl_reg_block reg_block; //instantiating register model inside dma_env
usb_ctrl_reg_adapter reg_adapter; //adapter?
reg_block = usb_ctrl_reg_block::type_id::create(“reg_block”); //creating the register model; //building the register model infrasturctue
uvm_resource_db#(usb_ctrl_reg_block)::set(“GLOBAL”, “REG_BLOCK”, reg_block, this); //adding register model in to the resource database, so that anyone can access it from anywhere in TB
reg_adapter = usb_ctrl_reg_adapter::type_id::create(“reg_adapter”);
reg_block.apb_map.set_sequencer(apb_agent_i.sqr, reg_adapter); //mapping register model to the sequencer and adapter o how to use register model for TB development and testcase coding
o this is where you will be working 99% of the time.
o atleast two ways:
– testcase development
`uvm_do_with(tx, {tx.addr==register_addr;; tx.wr_rd==1;})
dma_ctrl_rm.ch0_dma_reg0.write(status, write_data);
– scoreboard or reference model implementation
o UVM register model has many in-built methods which makes it easy to do register value comparison - RV(register verification, RDL) using UVM register model
- intention:
o to check whether we are able to write and read all the register properly => very important aspect of every project
o if write data matches with read data for all the registers => good, register access is working fine.
o if write data doesn’t match with read data for some of the registers => we need to figure out this problem - register verification is done in 4 ways
o front door write, front door read ==> 95% important
– write, read
o front door write, back door read
– write, peek
o back door write, back door read
– poke, peek
o back door write, front door read
– poke, read
o front door write, front door read testcase
- register verification has two types of testcases
o register reset testcases
o register write-read testcases - how to implement backdoor access tests?
front door write => write
front door read => read
back door write => poke
back door read => peek
class dma_uvm_reg_backdoor_wr_rd_seq extends apb_base_seq;
task body();
dma_ctrl_reg_block dma_rm; //310 registers
if(!uvm_resource_db #(dma_ctrl_reg_block)::read_by_name(“GLOBAL”, “REG_BLOCK”, dma_rm, this)) begin
uvm_error("resource_db", "not able to get register model handle"); end dma_rm.get_registers(dma_regs); //get all the register handles from dma_rm in to dma_regs Queue // Write random data and check read back (10 times) //FRONT DOOT ACCESS register write-read test sequence repeat(10) begin dma_regs.shuffle(); //shuffling so that registers are accessed in random order foreach(dma_regs[i]) begin if(!this.randomize()) begin
uvm_error(“body”, “randomization error”)
dma_regs[i].poke(status, data, .parent(this));
dma_regs.shuffle(); //shuffling so that reads are done in different order compared to the order in which writes are done.
foreach(dma_regs[i]) begin
ref_data = dma_regs[i].get(); //get the desired value of the register from the register model(in Reference model in the TB)
dma_regs[i].peek(status, data, .parent(this)); //get the register value from DUT register
if(ref_data != data) begin //register write data is not matching with read data
`uvm_error(“REG_TEST_SEQ:”, $sformatf(“get/read: Read error for %s: Expected: %0h Actual: %0h”, dma_regs[i].get_name(), ref_data, data))
- what is backdoor acces?
o for backdoor access to work, what is very important?
o accessing by hierarchy
dma_ctlr.csr.poke(status, 100);
//dut.s1.s2.csr = 100;
//above line is what is actually happening.
//during regsiter model development, we have done this mapping - They will assign a block to you.
o they will ask you to run register access testcases
o run the test
./ -testname dma_ctrl_reg_wr_rd_test -timeout 10ns
o test passes
o confirm from the waveform that test is actually passing
o test may fail
o it generates a log file
o DMA_CTRL/Verif/SIM/transcript
o DMA_CTRL/Verif/SIM/run.log
o open the log file
o search for Error or UVM_ERROR
o figure out why error is coming
o which register is mismatching.
o what is causing it to mismatch?
o debug that mismatch?
o design issue?
o specification have mentioned wrong value?
o debug all the errors
o fix the TB or get the RTL code fixed
o once everything is fixed
o run the test again
o this process continues till ‘testcase’ passes
o How they will measure your performance?
o If given 20 testcases to you?
o how quickly do run debug those testcases, report errors, get those errors fixed
o get all 20 testcases passing.