AHB Interconnect verification


  1. AHB UVC
    o Master UVC
    o SLave UVC
    o Validated master UVC by connecting to Slave UVC
    o we have developed various testcases focusing on different AHB features
    o testcases development is nothing but sequence development
    o also developed a scoreboard to check transactions at both master and slave interfaces
    o implement logic to check testcase pass/fail


  1. AHB interconnect
    o can be verified at 2 levels
    o standalone verification(IP verification, module level erification)
    We will develop testbench around AHB interconnect, we will mimick all the components around interconnect using AHB master/slave UVCs
    o chip level(SOC) verification
    We don’t need to keep any driver or sequencers around interconnect
    Processor, various other RTL blocks will be there, we just need to connect monitors at each of these interfaces.
    SOC level verification of AHB interconnect will only require monitor and scoreboard.
    IP level verification of AHB interconnect will only require monitor and scoreboard alongwith Master and Slave UVC of AHB.
  2. You are in to SOC team, you are give AHB interconnect(fabric) verification
    project title: Chip level verification of AHB interconnect
  3. You are in to IP team, you are give AHB interconnect(fabric) verification
    project title: Module level verification of AHB interconnect
  4. uvm_config_db#(uvm_object_wrapper)::set(this, “env.ahb_env_i.agent.sqr.main_phase”, “default_sequence”, ahb_wr_rd_seq::get_type());
    ahb_wr_rd_seq should be run by env.ahb_env_i.agent.sqr in the main_phase.


  1. AHB Interconnect
  2. Testbench development
  3. Sequence library
  4. Virtual sequencer and virtual sequences
  5. AHB Interconnect Testcases
  6. Scoreboard


  1. AHB Interconnect helps connecting multiple masters to multiple slaves
    but when we are doing IP verification, we have to mimick the master/slave behavior, so we will be connecting UVC inplace of master/slaves.
  2. what is teh issue without AHB Interconnect?
    o we will have establish many 1-1 connections
    if we have 4 masters, 3 slaves => then it will require 12 connections to be done
    AHB interconnect helps avoid this.

Declaring array of physical interfaces is not possible
//ahb_intf mpif0(clk, rst) [2:0]; => syntax is it possible?
Declaring array of virtual interfaces is possible

  1. When design architect develop the SOC architecture, he provides the memory map for the whole system
  2. AHB-UVC
    copied it to AHB_IC_VERIFICATION
    • added ahb_ic.sv
      o coded 3 processes
      o arbitration
      o master-slave request/response routing
      o getting interface handles
    • updated ahb_env.sv
      o array of virtual interfaces: master and slave
    • added env configuration variables
      num_masters, num_slaves
      o whole TB is setup based on these two variables
    • we are checking the TB for 1 master and 1 slave configuration
      o if it works, then we will try for multiple masters and multiple slaves
  3. Tx is showing on M0_VIF, but it is not showing on any of the slave interfaces
    o Address generated is targeting S0 => tx should appear on S0_VIF, which is not happening
    o where should we start debug?
    – forever blocks not put in fork join
  4. Running test with 2 masters and 2 slaves
    o is the TB structure generated for 2 masters and 2 slaves? YES
    o why txs are not happening on mvif[1] => master1 is not generating any txs? WHY?
    o where to start debug?
    o debug always starts from test
    o Issue
    o there is no busreq happening on hbusreq[1]?
    o where to debug?
    o Master0, Master1 are doing the txs concurrently?
    o violation of AHB protocol
  5. multiple masters, multiple slaves
    o master[0] : read data phase last data is missing
    o master[1] onwards : read data phase last 2 data are missing
    How to approach this debug?
    keep the problem simple
    1M, 1S TB setup
  6. Sequence library
  1. by createing ahb_wrap_seq_lib and running test using this, we are doing STRESS TEST on wrap feature.
    • my test will generate 100’s of txs from different sequences which will be focuing only on wrap feature. Our idea, it may help us reach some corner wrap scenario, which we manually may not be able to get.
  2. Sequence library
  1. Sequence library
    o defining library
    o one TB env can have multiple libraries
    o libraries are specific to one interface
    o we can’t merge sequences of diffeernt interfaces in to same library
    o adding sequences to the library
    o creating tests using library
    o understanding the benefits of library
  2. Definining lirbary
    class ahb_seq_lib extends uvm_sequence_library#(ahb_tx); `uvm_object_utils(ahb_seq_lib) `uvm_sequence_library_utils(ahb_seq_lib) function new(string name=””); super.new(name); init_sequence_library(); endfunction


Important things:
`uvm_sequence_library_utils(ahb_seq_lib) //Setup library infrastructure
init_sequence_library(); //Initialize the library

  1. adding sequences to the library
  1. creating tests using library
    class ahb_seq_lib_test extends ahb_base_test;
    uvm_component_utils(ahb_seq_lib_test) NEW_COMP
    uvm_sequence_library_cfg seq_cfg;
    function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    seq_cfg = new(“seq_cfg”, UVM_SEQ_LIB_RAND, 5, 10);
    //pick 5 to 10 sequences from the library, run them in random order
    //run one after other
    uvm_config_db#(uvm_object_wrapper)::set(this, “env.magent.sqr.run_phase”, “default_sequence”, ahb_seq_lib::get_type());
    uvm_config_db#(uvm_object_wrapper)::set(this, “env.magent.sqr.run_phase”, “default_sequence.config”, seq_cfg);
  2. Benefit of library
  1. Important part of sequence library
    • how many libraries do we need in this project?
    • what all sequences should be part of the library?
    • Sequence library should not be learnt just for inerview purpose

AHB Interconnect scoreboard


  1. sequence library
    o typically testcases are targeted on feature basis
    o sequence library helps maps all the specific feature targeted tests to single library
    o user can develop tests using this feature_speciifc_library
    o it provides with option to stress test the specific feature
    o Similar to this, we can create multiple libraries each targeting speicifc feature and run testcases targeting each feature.
    o libraries are used towards the end of the project.
    o we use exisitng sequences to create complex testcases.
  2. sequence library
    o how to define library?
    o how to add sequences to library?
    o how to create tests using library?
  3. scoreboard



  1. Bufferable transactions
  1. HSPLIT[1] = 1 => if it is given SLave#3
    o SLave#3 is indicating earlier I had split a transaction from Master#1, now I am ready to respond to Master#1.
    o HSPLIT is a signal going from Slave to Arbiter(not master), indicating slave readiness to responsd to specific master.
    o Arbiter takes in to account this signal value as part of arbitration scheme.
    o whenever it sees that a slave it ready to respond to master#1, it brings in master#1 to arbitration scheme.
    o if master#1 gets the grant now, it does INCR and completes the pending transaction.


  1. AHB I/C feature listing down and testcases
    configurable number of master, slaves
    maximum supported masters and slaves
    Split, retry
    Connect split capable slaves (SPLIT)
    Split high priority master tx
    Split low priority master tx
    Connect split non-capable slaves (RETRY)
    Retry high priority master tx
    Retry low priority master tx
    Early burst termination
    EBT while locked transfer is happening
    EBT while unlocked transfer is happening
    high priority master
    low priority master
    protected transfers
    try different possible hprot values
    Locked transfers
    checked as part of EBT
    Different burst types
    INCR with undefined length
    priority configuration
    Configure design for different possible priority values to masters
    Error scenarios
    targeting non existing address/slave
    Doing a normal access to a privileged slave
    Doing unaligned transfer
    Doing transfers that violate AHB protocol
    boundary of 2KB
    Transaction size more than 1KB
    corner case scenarios
    Particular Slave splitting all masters
    High priority master transaction is retry and slave is not able to complete the response tx for this.
  2. uvm_in_order_comparator
  1. virtual sequencer
    VLSI design flow execution
    RTL Design : manager#1
    Functional verification : manager#2
    PnR flow : manager#3
    Custom layout : manager#4
    Program manager => like virtual sequencer
    o has access to all teh manager
    o he does not execute any of the VLSI design flow aspects himself
    o he makes sure that there is order in project execution, he will take care of any synchronization between different teams

o manager#1 should do project#1.RTL_Design from this time to this time
o manager#2 should do project#1.RTL_verification from this time to this time
o manager#3 should do project#1.PnR from this time to this time
o manager#4 should do project#1.Custom layout from this time to this time

whatever scheudle program manager comes up with is the virtual sequence.

  1. AHB I/C : to implement virtual seqeunce and seqeuncer, we need APB interface and APB agent coding
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